Leadership Resources
Leadership Forms & Tools
Council books we are reading...
Crucial Conversations by Joseph Grenny
Denominational Tools...
Spiritual Gifts Inventory (for use with individuals or groups)
GCFA Equipping Leaders (spiritual gifts, training, discipleship, teaching)
GBHEM (ministry candidacy, course of study, certification)
GCFA Legal Services (Insurance Requirements)
Conference Tools...
OR-ID AC Church Dashboard (file all reports for Charge Conference and end of year)
OR-ID AC Financial Portal (pay benefits, apportionments, Special Sundays)
Ministry Safe (for background checks and training)
Local Church Forms...
Building Use Form--Church Event (coming soon)
Building Use Form--Outside Event (coming soon)
Lay Leadership Application Form (coming soon)
Deposit Form (coming soon)
Check Request Form (coming soon)
Staff Evaluation Form (coming soon)
Policy Handbook (coming soon)
Local Church Tools...
Planning Center Online
People (church database, forms, notes)
Services (worship orders & volunteer scheduling)
Groups (church group participants, calendar, attendance)
Registrations (one-time event registration and credit card processing)
Child Check-in (to check in and check out kids/teens to events)
Giving (handles all generosity and reporting)
X32 Sound Board
X32 Mix App for Apple
X32 Mixing Station App for Android
X32 Q App for Personal Monitors for Apple
X32 Q App for Personal Monitors for Android
Licensing Organizations
CCLI Licensing for licensing the projection of lyrics and streaming songs
CCS Licensing a second licensing organization covering songs not in CCLI
OneLicense.net Licensing a third licensing organization covering songs not listed above
Music Printing and Creation
Song Select for printing music for the band
MultiTracks for creating backing tracks and printing music
Technical Systems
Boxcast (streaming)
Ubiquiti UnFi Protect (security cameras)
Ubiquiti UnFi Network (WIFI, network, ethernet)
Public WIFI SSID is "UMC Guest" with password "YouBelongHere"
Private WIFI SSID is not visible and limited to church computers only
Vistaprint (church banners)
Print Plug (church T-Shirts)
Grant Station (for researching grants)
Time Clock (for hourly staff to time in and out)