Kid's Stuff Program Info
Interested in joining us? Here's what to expect...
ICCP Certified
Second Child & Membership Discount
Preschool Incorporated Into EACH Classroom
Our Christian education for your child consists of the following...
To learn about faith through a Wesleyan lens.
To know that Jesus loves everyone.
To learn about God's world.
To learn how to love all persons.
To learn how to serve God through how we treat others.
To sing Christian songs.
To hear and read Christian stories.
To pray before we eat.
To integrate "God-talk" and Christian values into daily conversations.
To experience worship opportunities and interactions.
Learning objectives...
Shapes, colors, numbers, alphabet, and name recognition.
Beginning reading and writing skills.
Language development.
Socialization and character development.
Bible stories, songs, memory verses, and prayer.
Art and music appreciation.
Health and safety.
Large and small motor skill development.
Admission Policy...
Kid's Stuff is licensed by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare and operates within the requirements set by the department. We also comply with all United Methodist denominational standards for the protection of children, youth, and adults.
The registration packet must be completed with a copy of current immunization records for your child to attend. The first month of tuition and a registration fee is due at enrollment.