Ontario Ministry Site
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Food and Support Options
During a temporary closure of the church building, we will be working to make it safe, accessible, freshly painted, and ready to meet you. During this short-term closure, community resources are available in the following locations:
Next Chapter Food Pantry location #1, 762 SW 5th ST, Ontario (next to St. Matthew’s)
Open Tuesday 4-6pm and Thursday 12-3pm
Next Chapter Food Pantry location #2, 180 NW 1st St, Ontario (inside First Christian Church)
Open Friday 12-3pm
Blessed Sacrament Food Pantry, 829 SW 2nd Avenue, Ontario
Open Tuesday and Thursday 1-4pm
TFP Therapeutic Services, 390 NE 2nd ST, Ontario
Open the last Friday of every month 9am-12pm
New Hope Kitchen, 381 NW Oregon Street, Ontario
Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 5:30-6:45pm
Nyssa Community Food Pantry, 5th and Main, Nyssa
Open Monday 4-7pm and Thursday 9am-1pm
Vale Pantry, 252 B Street, Vale (in the basement of City Hall)
Open Tuesday 1-4pm and Thursday 12-3pm
Meals on Wheels, Malheur Council on Aging, 842 SE 1st Ave, Ontario
Call 541-889-7651 for delivery for those 60 or older (must have an address)
Free on site meals available at 842 SE 1st AVE, Ontario for those 60 and over on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12-1pm.
Call 211
For food pantry pick up and delivery sites as well
Call 541-889-9555 and ask for housing advocate
Other Emergency Services (for help with bills/support)
Corpus Christi Catholic Church, 900 NW 7th St., Fruitland
Open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 1-4pm
Highway Assembly of God,100 S Whitley Dr, Fruitland
Open the last 3 Mondays of the month 10am-1pm must bring proof of address, photo ID, and proof of income)
West Valley Free Methodist Church,100 E 1st St., Fruitland
Open Wednesday 10am-3:45pm (by appointment only)
WICAP (Payette location),1431 S Main St., Payette
Open Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm (must bring bank statement, utility bill, etc.)
WICAP (Weiser location),35 W Court Street, Weiser
Open Monday through Friday 8am-5pm (bring bank statement, utility bill)
Payette 7th Day Adventist Church,3rd and 9th, Payette
Open Thursday 9am-12pm
Narcotics Anonymous Meetings
UMC Ontario, 312 NW 2nd St., Ontario.
Will meet on the lawn during building renovation, then return to inside the building.
Church of Christ, 595 E 2nd ST, Weiser
Fridays at 8pm